Dallas Co Supervisors

The local option sales tax measure in Dallas County continues to be a big issue, and at the most recent Supervisors meeting they discussed the ballot language for the unincorporated areas of the County.

At the previous meeting, the mayors and city officials throughout the County voiced their desire to set the sunset dates for their individual ballot language, most choosing no sunset at all. The Supervisors consented to their wishes, though they still considered adding a sunset date for the ballot they would set for unincorporated Dallas County.

Taking the likelihood that no city in the County would put a sunset on their ballot, the Board considered two resolutions establishing their ballot language, one with a sunset date and one without. Supervisor Brad Golightly motioned to approve the resolution with no sunset date, which was seconded by Supervisor Mark Hanson. Golightly and Hanson both voted in favor, and though Board Chair Kim Chapman voted against it, the motion carried.

If the measure is passed by unincorporated Dallas County, the funds will be distributed 55% to property tax relief and 45% to capital projects such as roads and building improvements, parks, trails, conservation, and economic development. The countywide local option sales tax measure will be voted on during the November general election.