As the Panorama Panther football team moves along with the first week of practice, contact has been slowly added in but not enough to do a whole lot with.
With the first week of practice allowing such little contact, it gives coaches the chance to focus on other aspects of the game which for Panorama head coach Lyle Alumbaugh, starts with foundation work.
“Well basically what you try and do is get your schemes in, your drills in, things that are kind of your foundation work whether it be with the feet or the hands or whatever. Makes it a little more boring for your older guys when there’s not much of that (contact) involved but at the same time you’ve still got a lot of agility work of your schemes, your plays, what your calls are going to be, what everybody’s responsibility is. You’re going to start at the ground level and all of it is acclimation work too as far as the heat and humidity you have to deal with,” explained coach Alumbaugh.
Today is the second day where contact above the waist is permitted with form tackling which will continue through Friday. Saturday will be the first day where full person-to-person contact is allowed. The Panthers will open up their competitive season with their home and season opener on August 25th against non district foe Des Moines Christian.