hot-sun-thermometerA heat advisory continues through tomorrow in Greene County, which means everyone should take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses.

Public Health Director Becky Wolf says if you are going to be outside, make sure you wear a light-weight shirt, a wide-brimmed hat, wear sunscreen and sunglasses. She points out wearing a wide-brimmed hat protects the back of your neck and ears, which are some of the most sensitive places for the sun to damage skin. If you’re working outside, Wolf recommends taking several breaks in a cool, shady area and drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.

Some of the symptoms to watch out for is someone looking like they are feeling effects of a heat-related illness include: a red, flushed face; dizziness and loss of consciousness. Wolf recommends getting those individuals in a shady place, give them fluids and contact medical personnel.