It’s been a sweltering week in central Iowa, and the high temperatures aren’t done just yet. With that in mind, emergency management personnel reminds people to not leave children or animals in vehicles for any amount of time.
Temperatures are expected to be nearly 100 degrees, with heat indices in excess of 110 degrees, but it’s even hotter inside vehicles. On a day when the temperature is in the mid-80’s, with a dew point in the 70’s, the interior temperature of a vehicle can reach as high as 120 degrees in a matter of 15 minutes. With heat like we’ve had this week, the inside of a hot vehicle can essentially become an oven and lead to the death of a child or pet.
To prevent a tragedy, people are reminded to never leave their children or pets in the car, even if they don’t plan to be gone for long. Additionally, people should always double-check the backseat, especially if they’re in a hurry or are deviating from their normal routine, to make sure no one gets left behind.