Greene County School Board 7_19The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

During open forum, Cindy Fitzgerald addressed the Board on behalf of Greene County Education Association. She brought up concerns for the Board to consider requirements for hiring of a position that wasn’t a vacant position, publicly discussing a teacher’s performance and making decisions based on public complaints instead of a complaint going through the proper channels first. The Board took no action on any of the topics.

The Board then decided to not make any changes to their policies on a substance abuse free workplace and surveillance cameras, following two complaints brought to the Board last month.

The Board did approve the student construction class to move forward with building another house for the upcoming school year and holding a garage sale in Grand Junction for disposal of 14 items to the public in August. Additionally, the Board approved Bimbo Bakery as the bread distributor and Anderson/Erickson as the diary distributor for the 2017-18 school year, the student and parent handbooks, along with the employee handbook with the exception of finalizing the reduction in force policy.

The Board also increased the amount of pay for a substitute teacher from $105 to $115 per day, revised the 2017-18 school calendar by making January 22nd a no school day for all grades, a $3,551 change order to the elementary school addition project, the Iowa Lakes Community College contract to continue the Student Alternative Vocational Education (SAVE) program and the Iowa Central Community College agreement for Project Early Bird as presented.

The Board then approved their top four Iowa Association of School Boards 2018 legislative priorities. The priorities include bond issues, the Secured an Advanced Vision for Education program, school funding policy and the dropout prevention program.

The Board then approved Middle School Principal Shawn Zanders for the 1.68-percent base salary increase, along with an additional $1,000 for adding two additional grades to the middle school building.

Finally, the Board terminated a contract with Gildden-Ralston to share the middle school band instructor and approved a sharing agreement with Paton-Churdan.