The new fiscal year for the Perry School District began on July 1st, which means at their recent meeting the School Board made several appointments for the coming school year.
Current Board Secretary and Treasurer Kent Bultman was appointed to once again fill those positions for 2017-18. The District will have new legal counsel representation, as Drew Bracken from the Ahlers and Cooney Law Firm in Des Moines was appointed. Also, Raccoon Valley Bank will represent the District as the bank depository, with a $15 million limit.
Next the Board approved the appointments of Level I and Level II Student Abuse by School Employee Investigators. Clark Wicks and Anne Horgen were named level I investigators, while Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn was once again named the level II investigator. Finally, the Board appointed Angelica Cardenas-Diaz as the district’s Homeless Coordinator, as well as the Equity and Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Officer, Kevin Vidergar was appointed Section 504 Coordinator, and Laura Skeel was appointed Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator.