The Panorama Fun Days are the first weekend in August, which makes it currently only a blip on the radar screen. However, it will be here before you know it, so organizers want to let the public know what they can expect at this year’s celebration.

The theme for this year is “Picture Perfect,” and it’s scheduled to run August 4-6 in Panora. The events will start on Friday with a cribbage tournament. Activities throughout the day include: a kids cake walk; Cruise the Loop; the 5K fun run; the Bill Riley Talent Show; and fireworks at 9:30.

The festivities will continue Saturday with events including: a bass fishing tournament at Lake Panorama; the annual Panorama Days parade; the baby contest; the classic car show; and the Lake Panorama Ski Show. Additionally there will be human foosball and bags tournaments, and music performances throughout the day. The celebration will conclude Sunday with the kid’s fishing derby, Panorama alumni golf tournament, gospel music festival, and an ice cream social.

Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will also be there both Friday and Saturday. From 3-6 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday, we will be broadcasting live, playing music, and relaying important information.