Several cities in Dallas County, including Perry, have been working together to get signatures on petitions to put local option sales tax measures on the November general election ballot.
Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson says the collaborative effort has yielded around 1,000 signatures. They need 2,000 cumulative signatures in order to put the measure on the ballot for every city participating. Peterson says the combined efforts of the cities has been enjoyable to see.
“This has really been fun to watch all these other communities come together on a unified front to get these signatures together. I know Dawson, and DeSoto, and Van Meter have really pulled their weight with getting signatures. Look for my bright, shining face out and about on the Fourth of July, because I’ll be out in the (Pattee) Park and around town all day trying to get signatures and get the word out about it.”
Perry has had a local option sales tax since 1997, and it’s scheduled to sunset at the end of 2019. Peterson emphasizes this is not a new tax, but a continuation of a tax already in place. The funds from the tax go towards purchases such as computers for the library, police cars, and plow trucks, as well as projects such as the recreation center roof and asphalt overlay construction.
To hear more about this and other City of Perry topics, listen to Tuesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at