Photo courtesy of the Perry Public Library
Reading 1,000 books before starting grade school can seem like a daunting task, but this Sunday the Perry Public Library will celebrate children and caregivers who have done just that.
The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a long-term ongoing project with the goal of fostering a love of reading in children at an early age. The books can be read by the children or read to them. Caregivers and children were able to complete it at whatever pace best suits them. Whether it’s all in one year or 250 a year for four years, the magic number for books read in the program is 1,000. The same book can be read multiple times and still count, as well as books read during library story times.
The achievement celebration will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Perry Library, and they invite family, caregivers, and important friends who have supported the children’s journey to literacy to join the participants who completed the program.