The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Thursday.
During open forum, County Engineer Wade Weiss presented a statewide bridge report from the legislature. The report showed that 4,682 bridges in Iowa were deemed structurally deficient. Greene County had 16 bridges on that list.
The Board then approved a mortgage release from their downpayment assistance program as presented.
The Board then discussed the 2018 fiscal year budget. The consolidated levy, which consists of the general basic, general supplemental and mental health, is proposed at $5.65. Currently the levy is $5.68. The rural levy that is proposed is $3.20 and this fiscal year it is $3.16. The countywide tax levy proposed for next fiscal year is $8.85. The current countywide tax levy is $8.84. County Auditor Jane Heun says the main reason for the one cent increase is the adjustment in the Sheriff’s budget.
Sheriff Jack Williams wants to hire an additional deputy at $43,000 for a base salary with an additional $5,000 for overtime. He additionally wants to increase the amount of overtime for each deputy from $3,500 to $5,000. The Board agreed to take overtime at $3,500 and the amount for the additional deputy. No formal action was taken following the budget workshop.