img_3256The Perry City Council met in regular session Monday.

At the meeting, Mayor Jay Pattee mentioned that the Perry Lions Club donated $250 towards the Pattee Park expansion project.

Councilman John Andorf mentioned that he has hear positive feedback about the holiday decorations that the City put up in the downtown area.

The first pay request for the North Street construction project was approved in the amount of $183,588 to Corell Contractor Inc. The company has been working on the water main, storm sewer and grading operations over the past two weeks.  Work along 18th Street up to the North Street intersection is complete.

The second change order for the North Street project was also approved.  This increases the total project cost by $1,950 and includes the connection of two storm tile lines to the new storm sewer on 18th Street.

Next the first pay request for the latest phase of the sanitary sewer cleaning project was then approved in the amount of $58,354 to Accujet.  This is for zones 2, 3, 8 and 9.  So far 36,000 linear feet of cleaning and televising has been completed and there are two phases left.

A professional services agreement with Bolton and Menk for design and bidding services for the 2017 sanitary sewer project was then approved.  This is for improvements to 2,700 linear feet of sanitary sewer on South 16th Street.  The agreement is not to exceed $30,470.

For more on things happening in the City of Perry, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Dallas County when we speak with City Engineer Matt Ferrier with Bolton and Menk.