greene-co-supervisors-12_5The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During open forum, Board Vice-Chair Dawn Rudolph shared a couple of proposals from their regional mental health board. She said the CEO is proposing making their mental health advocate a full-time employee with the four counties in the region. Another proposal is to have four employees be mental health counselors in the schools for each county in the region. The Board took no action on the proposals.

The Board then approved a wine permit for Deal’s Orchard, the county recorder’s report of fees for November of $13,207 and the homestead credit and military exemption disallowances as presented.

The Board also approved a contract to The Stained Glass Store in Des Moines to repair the stained glass dome in the rotunda of the courthouse for $109,000. The Board also approved two contracts for bridge replacements including the E-39 bridge to Murphy Heavy Contracting for $545,000 and another bridge on N-65 to Godbersen-Smith Construction Company for $2,094,000.

After hearing a review of the health insurance rates for the current and upcoming fiscal year, the Board decided to table their decision until December 19th.

Following a public hearing, the Board decided not to act on re-classifying drainage district two.