national weather serviceYesterday’s warm up was likely welcomed by some but it’s about to be quite chilly the rest of this week.

With winter upon us, not is a great time to remember what exactly the hazards are during the colder months.

Ken Podrazik with the National Weather Service says much like the tornado tends to make people’s ears perk up in the spring, summer and fall, hearing the word blizzard in the winter is when a lot of people tend to panic. However, he says contrary to what many people, these warnings don’t have to do with the amount of snowfall.

“The definition is blowing and/or falling snow with winds at least 35 miles per hour or greater, reducing visibilities to a quarter mile or less.  So it has nothing to do with the actual snow amounts that we’re expecting.  So that’s one thing to keep in mind.”

As of now, there are no weather watches or warnings in our immediate forecast.