guthrie-co-4-h-shirt-e1374611522703Guthrie County 4-H’ers are reminded to re-enroll into 4-H now to avoid a late fee penalty.

Guthrie County Extension Youth Coordinator Mollie Clark says each 4-H’er must re-enroll using their online 4-H profile page. Each 4-H’er only pays $10 instead of the normal $35 fee thanks to the sponsorship of Farm Credit Services and the proceeds from the 4-H silent auction during the county fair. There are currently 180 Guthrie County 4-H’ers.

Re-enrollments are due by December 1st. Those that don’t re-enroll by that deadline will have to pay an additional $10 per family penalty fee.

Anyone with questions can call Clark at 641-747-2276.