14141602_850088195092021_6926745876513592950_n14232387_850088205092020_8874263137712907510_nThe Guthrie County Fair began yesterday, and 4-H’ers of all ages are excited to show off their exhibits.


Cameron Laughery of the Cass Pioneers 4-H Club says her favorite exhibits are passed down through her family. “I just like to bake, because it’s my favorite thing to do. My whole family’s in the baking business, so why not continue it.”


Hunter Vasey of the North Branch Beavers 4-H Club says he has a specialty at the fair, but likes showing everything. “I think my favorite is probably sheep, because I do best in that. But, I do like everything I do here.”
Laughery, Vasey, plus fellow 4-H’ers Hope Arganbright and Emily McCann will tell us more about their fair exhibits today on Let’s Talk Guthrie County. It airs during the 9 a.m., noon and 5 p.m. hours on K107.9 and www.raccoonvalleyradio.com.