Jefferson City Council 8_9The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday in regular session.

The Council approved the third reading to amend the bow hunting ordinance to allow three additional lots in Hillcrest Estates to hunt, along with a contract with the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the $500,000 Community Development Block Grant.

The Council also approved a $1,500 request by the animal shelter committee for the architectural firm Waggoner and Wineinger to prepare a cost estimate for a new animal shelter. The Greene County Board of Supervisors agreed on Monday to also contribute $1,500 toward the cost estimate for the project.

Jefferson Matters: Main Street Program Director Peg Raney gave an update. She said a Main Street Iowa Design Consultant will be visiting to give conceptual drawings for the building at 200 East State Street and they will be applying for a new technical assistance challenge grant to establish wayfinding signs.

Midwest Partnership Executive Director Sarah Truitt gave an update. She said they are putting plans together to establish a CEO roundtable discussion and scheduling different corporation visits within their region. August 23rd is a Train the Trainer program in Panora and October 13th is the next Educator/Employer Summit.

Finally, the Council agreed to have a public hearing about the possibility of eliminating election wards and have all city council elections be at large seats. The public hearing will be scheduled for August 23rd’s regular meeting.