
A Jefferson girl came up a few shots shy of going onto the National Elks Hoop Shoot contest.

Samantha Pedersen was in Iowa City this past Saturday at the North Central Region 3 Elks Hoop Shoot contest, going up against the other 10-11 year-old girl division champions from Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin. According to Sam’s mother Mary, Sam made about 15 of 25 free throws and while she did not win and advance to the National Hoop Shoot contest in Chicago, Illinois in April, she was proud of her and to be under that kind of pressure was nerve-racking for her as a parent, and she couldn’t imagine it must have been like for her daughter. 

Sam talked about when she started playing basketball.

“I’ve been playing basketball for five years. My sister started when she was seven and I kind of followed along that path and started when she started, so I was five.” 

Sam reveals what it takes to be really good at shooting.

“Basically it just takes a lot of practice. You want to practice almost daily, not really daily but like four times a week at least. And honestly, if you want it then you can get it with practice.”

Mary said Sam had lots of fun and it was a great experience for her. Sam won the local, district and state Elks Hoop Shoot contest to make it to the National Semi-Finals.