
With some more blizzard-like conditions coming on Wednesday for parts of the Raccoon Valley Radio area, snow removal crews may be back at it again.

Greene County Engineer Wade Weiss says the Secondary Roads Department was out working during the previous blizzard that happened in the county earlier this month and he expects the same to happen with the predicted snow event on Wednesday. He believes that while this winter season has been going well in terms of removing snow and making the county roads as drivable as possible, there has been one challenge that they have had to overcome.

“With ice, we burn through a lot of material. That’s one of the things that happen. However, I think we can say, we’re nearing the end of winter and that’s a good thing.”

Weiss notes that they use a combination of sand, salt and some calcium chloride as the de-icing agent and that typically every winter season, the county will use between 800 and 1,000 tons of salt. He fully believes that the Secondary Roads Department will be ready to remove snow once again following the predicted snowfall event tomorrow.

According to the National Weather Service, Greene County has as high as 77 percent chance of getting four or more inches of snowfall on Wednesday. The National Weather Service says the main hazard with the snowfall are the 50 miles per hour or more wind gusts that can cause white out conditions and damage to powerlines and trees.