
Former GC Schools AD Todd Gordon

Five years ago, uncertainty, fear, and confusion ran rampant in the world as the COVID-19 Pandemic had spread nearly everywhere, and it affected nearly everything. That included high school sports. Todd Gordon was the Activities Director in the Greene County School District at the time. Raccoon Valley Radio caught up with Gordon on Monday to look back to March 2020.

“Within 24 hours the world started shutting down. The conference (basketball) tournaments and the NCAA’s were shut down. The State Tournament in Iowa was run on a very lesser scale with 50 people in or whatever it was. There was no playbook for that and we were just flying by the seat of our pants. It was just adjust, adapt, and overcome!”

Gordon added there were no in-person classes the rest of that school year and no Spring sports at all in Iowa. The Rams were expected to be a State title contender in boys’ soccer in 2020, and high level track & field performers also missed their senior seasons. The former Greene County A.D. was a guest last night on the PM Sports Magazine KG98 Edition.