
The Panorama School Board met in regular session Monday night.

Superintendent Kasey Huebner says that the Board heard reports from both himself, and on the fiscal year 2025 budget hearing process. He adds they then approved an amendment to the 2024-25 master calendar for snow make up days and the 2025-26 master calendar. Huebner tells Raccoon Valley Radio that public hearings for the fiscal year 2026 proposed tax notice and budget adoption notice were set, with some good news on the schools property tax levy.

“Our tax rate is actually decreasing. It’s been right around $12 in the past and now it’s going to be in the $10 range. So we’ve had some debt that we paid off early for our auditorium that we built about 10 to 15 years ago. So that levy debt is falling off, which is a good thing.”

Huebner mentions that the Board also approved the fiscal year 2026 natural gas pool, along with the sale of two Bluebird school buses and the purchase of new district-wide access points.