The Dexter Fire Department and Rescue Unit is helping out the local food pantry, but they need the community’s assistance.
According to EMS member Jen Clementson, HyVee donated paper bags to the Dexter Fire Department after they expressed interest in providing aid to the food pantry to gather necessary items. She highlights the reason why they’re choosing to do the food drive now.
“We used to do it when we were Boy Scouts leaders. Since we don’t lead Boy Scouts anymore, we don’t have an active troop in Dexter itself, so we haven’t done a food drive in like six years for the pantry. So, it was one of those things where, as the Dexter Fire and Rescue, we need to give back to the community, which we do on a daily basis, but just to bring (the) community together. There’s no real reason we were doing it right now, other than trying to hit spring break when all the kids are home and maybe need a little extra food.”
Clementson illustrates that the biggest needs for the food pantry are canned meats, pasta sauces, boxed meals, side dishes, condiments, cooking oils, flour, sugar, pork, beans, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and hygiene products. She mentions that fire and rescue crew members delivered bags to each household in Dexter, and if people want to donate, then they will need to place the suggested items into the bags and set them outside their door to be picked up tomorrow morning at 10am.