
The Panora City Council met in regular session Monday night.

The Council heard from Josh Calmer during public hearing about a sewer issue resulting from AccuJet lining over his service. He asked the Council to help with the expenses incurred because of this, since AccuJet was refusing responsibility, and Councilmembers Mark Sheeder and Roger Dorr asked that the item be placed on the next meeting’s agenda. The Council then heard a financial update regarding the city from Susanne Gerlach of Public Financial Management and the eighth change order and 12th pay application for the Jackson Street Project.

The Council also approved Community Development Building Grant Contract 23-HSGU-005 in the amount of $46,545, then discussed the fiscal year 2025-26 budget, set a public hearing for the property tax levy for March 24th and a three percent pay change for city employees.