
The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department is reminding everyone of a couple of programs, one of which is happening tomorrow and the other is a registration deadline.

JPRD Assistant Director Henry Pohlmeyer says the annual Mother/Son Date Night is tomorrow from 6-8:30pm at the Greene County Community Center. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio this is for boys who are pre-kindergarten through fifth grade and their mother, grandmother or mother figure as a way to hang out together and play games, enjoy pizza and musical entertainment. The cost to attend is $20 for community center members and $25 for non-members per couple, with an additional $5 charge for each additional boy. 

Pohlmeyer points out tomorrow is also the registration deadline for the U8 Soccer program. He states that games are on Saturdays from April 5th through May 3rd, and games will be played in Jefferson and Ogden. Pohlmeyer reveals that there are close to 30 kids out for the U8 program and he thinks there are benefits for kids to start this sport at a younger age and see them progress.

“It’s cool to see everybody coming out and obviously we’ve had a lot of people make it all the up through the program, especially the youth soccer program and go and compete for the high school. So that’s always good to see and I think we’re seeing that where 10U goes into 12U, goes into 15U, and a lot of those names have been through those leagues.”     

Pohlmeyer notes that shin guards are required and the fee to participate is $35 for community center members and $40 for non-members. Additional fees include $20 for an adult or a youth jersey and $5 for soccer socks. Sign-up can be done in-person at the community center or online by clicking here.