
Due to the President’s Day holiday on Monday, the Greene County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday.

During reports, County Attorney Thomas Laehn mentioned that the estate for Wallace Teagarden left some property to the county that would be used as a wildlife refuge and under the management of the county conservation board. He said that due to the parcel being landlocked, negotiations were conducted with another individual who also received a parcel from the estate but that there would be a land swap, so the county would have possession of that southern property where there would be a land bridge connected to 200th Street. Laehn added that the idea would be pitched to the executor of the state later this week.

Then the Board approved the annual contract with Boone/Greene County Probation Services, pending minor language changes. The Director Diane Hinderaker gave an overview of the number of Greene County residents that were involved in the program last year and asked the Board for an eight percent across the board increase to their next year’s budget for a total contract amount of $44,267. 

The Board then tabled a data request from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services of clients in Greene County who are receiving mental health and/or disability services. It was mentioned that Central Iowa Community Services Mental Health Region was needing authorization from the Greene County Supervisors to release client information to the new state \ providers. However, the Board voiced concerns of releasing that information due to not fully knowing who those providers were yet, because not all have been determined. 

Additionally, after the Board heard the 2026 fiscal year budget request from the Greene County Attorney’s Office, the Board then heard an update from the new County Conservation Naturalist Jacob Fernholz. He talked about all of the items he had actively sought out and received from other county conservation boards and other grants for future programs, along with involving about 161 kids for both inside and outside programs. The meeting then ended in a budget workshop.