
With Presidents Day on Monday, the Perry City Council will meet in regular session on Tuesday.

The council will hold three separate public hearings, with one on the proposal to vacate streets in the City of Perry, the second one for a proposed 25-year franchise agreement and establishment of a four percent franchise fee, and the third on the intent to dispose of public property by sale. The council will also review two ordinances relating to vacating a portion of public right of way in the City of Perry and another to amend the code of ordinance chapter 110 for a natural gas franchise.

Items on the agenda seeking approval include a resolution approving a purchase agreement for the sale of city owned property, a resolution for a general accounting expense on the Community Development Block Grant, a resolution of notice and intent to dispose of abandoned and unused and outdated property, a resolution for a memorandum of understanding with the Heart of America Foundation for a “Mini-Pitch” Court, a resolution for a local match and authorizing the submittal of a Transportation Alternative Program Grant application to the Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alliance, and setting a date on the proposed zoning code amendment to chapters 23 and 165.

The meeting is taking place Tuesday evening at 6pm inside the Clarion Room of the Security Bank Building, 1102 Willis Avenue, in Perry.