
Logo belongs to the ADM After Prom Committee

A special event is happening tomorrow with the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District.

The ADM After Prom Committee is having a Daddy-Daughter Dance inside the high school commons and south gym from 7-9pm. According to the After Prom Committee Member Jennifer Popp, the dance is open for girls in pre-school through sixth grade from ADM as well as homeschooled students in the area. Popp reveals that the dance is the largest fundraiser for the After Prom Committee and that there will be food, drinks, games, entertainment, and prizes available following the dance. 

Additionally, she mentions there will also be a Mother and Son Bowling Night at the Adel Family Fun Center tomorrow taking place at the same time as the dance. Popp says tickets for either event can be purchased online prior to the event or at the door with costs starting at $30 for one student attending with a parent, then $10 for each additional student. To sign up online, click here.