
Image courtesy of ISU Extension

The latest Land Value Survey has been released by Iowa State University Extension.

According to the survey, Greene County fared about the same for average price per acre as the state did from 2023 to 2024, with a slight decrease, as Greene County ISU Extension Director Jeff Lamoureux explains.

“And here in Greene County, the average land value came in at $12,650, and unfortunate(ly) it’s a little bit lower than last year, down 1.9 percent, so down just a little bit from $12,8(97) last year in 2023. So we’re seeing that kind of across the state. It’s not unusual that those land values had come down.”       

Statewide, the survey showed about 24 of Iowa’s 99 counties had an increase in the average price per acre. The survey also found two main negative impacts to land values from the respondents, which included the falling commodity prices and the series of interest rate increases over the past two years. The survey found some positive impacts and those were strong crop yields and the combination of cash on hand and credit availability. Click here to see the full report.