
A non-profit organization in Perry is looking to help out other non-profits in Dallas County with donations this spring.

The Bock Family Foundation announces that they are accepting grant applications for its spring granting period. According to Finneseth, Dalen, and Powell Assistant Jill Van Gundy, projects looking for funding need to be located in Dallas County with preference given to the four Northwest Townships. She emphasizes that applicants must be a non-profit organization or a unit of state or local government pursuant to IRS regulations. Van Gundy details that the application deadline is on March 1st. 

Any questions regarding the grant application process can reach out to Executive Director of the Bock Family Foundation Scott Finneseth by calling (515)-465-4641 or email

Information on where to mail the application can be found below.

Mail to:

1401 Willis Avenue

P.O. Box 487

Perry, IA 50220