
Like the other libraries in Guthrie County, the Stuart Public Library has many fun events they plan throughout the month.

Librarian Rachel Majerus says that it is a library though, and the biggest service they offer is still the collection of books on their shelves. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the collection is always growing as well.

“We have new books coming in every week. We try to keep them highlighted on our shelves. If there’s new books that our community members are interested in, we encourage them to give us a call and we’ll see if it’s something that we want to order and get on our shelf. We also have a program called Inte- Library Loan, which is just a fabulous program. So if we don’t have the book, but another library that is part of the program does, and they’re willing to send it to us to loan out, it’s a free service that we can do.”

Majerus mentions that there are books for all ages and reading levels that come in, and that are already on their shelves. She adds that they are happy to help patrons find whatever books they may be interested in for their next read,