The Adel City Council is set to meet in regular session tonight.
The council will consider for approval the second reading to amend an ordinance to Chapter 55 related to animal protection and control to add regulations for dangerous and potentially dangerous dogs. Other items on the agenda seeking approval include an ordinance for amending and zoning classification of portion of Southbridge Plat 7 and Plat 11, a change order for the Adel Evans Park Trail Connections project, an grant agreement in support of the Main Street Adel Chamber of Commerce, and a request for proposals for the Island Park Campground lease and operations.
Additional items on the agenda up for approval pertain to a notice to extend the farm lease agreement between the City of Adel and Phil Lautner for a one-year renewal period, an alcohol license for Pizza Hut, and an appointment to fill a vacancy on the Adel Parks and Recreation Board. Also adopting plans, specifications, and an estimate of cost for the Bailey’s Grove Channel improvements and a resolution to make an award of construction contract then approve the construction and bond for the organization.
The council will also have a discussion on the implementation of the National League of Cities Service Line Warranty Program by HomeServe, set a date for a public hearing and a consultation meeting to provide a notice of proposed city council action related to application for voluntary annexation, then a possible closed session for a review of the Adel City Administrator.
The meeting is taking place tonight at City Hall, 301 S. 10th Street, at 6pm. Raccoon Valley Radio will have the results of the meeting later this week.