
Grant applications are still being accepted for one Greene County non-profit organization

Greene County Community Foundation is considering grants for local projects and other worthy causes between $1,000 and $35,000. GCCF President Karen Shannon says their organization has given grants to every incorporated community in the county as she describes the typical amounts that they have recently awarded.

“When you look at the data across the board, the grants that we see the most often or the amount that we see is from $1,000-$3,000, and then the next up is from $5,000-$9,000. We do have occasionally those big, big ones and we appreciate getting the opportunity to deliberate over those, because those make for some great discussion. And we do want to put a Community Foundation stamp on some big projects as well. So we’re happy to have those and be a part of those bigger projects.”  

Grant applications are due by February 14th at 4pm with a digital copy emailed to to be considered for 2025. Click here to access the grant application.