Beef weigh-ins around the area have been conducted for show animals for the 2025 County and State Fair season.
Adair County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Youth Coordinator Caroline Savage says that the Adair County beef weigh-in went well, and that she’s thankful for the assistance of all those who helped make things go smoothly. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that there is a deadline for all those wanting to show beef at the Adair County Fair and Iowa State Fair.
“Just a reminder, all families that weighed in in December, now is the time you must identify your animals in 4-H online if you’re a 4-H member. This must be done by February 1st in order to be eligible to show at the Adair County Fair. So if you want in, get on the computer and get those animals identified in the appropriate place.”
Savage mentions that if anyone needs assistance with doing so, she’s more than happy to help out. She adds that individuals who do need help just need to reach out to her and she can assist them.