
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During reports, Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn said his office has drafted a liability waiver for volunteers that do work for the county that he encourages all county departments to use. The Board agreed to consider approving the document at next week’s meeting.

The Board then approved the retirement resolution for Michael Bierl for his five years of service as the County Veterans Affairs Director and was the coordinator for general services. The Board also heard additional 2026 fiscal year funding requests from Jefferson Congregate Meals for $15,000, Bell Tower Community Foundation with $10,000, there was a request for $19,891 from New Opportunities, and The Children’s Center asked for $6,000. The Board took no action following any of the requests, as those will be considered during budgetary discussions. 

Additionally, the Board approved a federal-aid agreement for a County Highway Bridge Program Project on Apple Avenue in conjunction with Carroll County. The Board then set two public hearings with the first one being on January 20th at 8:45am for the plans and specifications, form of contract and estimation of funds for the county jail and the project plans prepared by ISG. The other public hearing is on January 23rd at 8:45am for the 2025 fiscal year budget amendment. 

Finally, the Board heard several elected county officials salary presentations. County Treasurer Katlynn Mechaelsen asked for a four percent increase in her salary, and she noted the cost of living was estimated at 3.2 percent. She said she wanted to remain in the median for county treasurer salaries across the state, which she pointed out was 48th. County Sheriff Jack Williams requested a cost of living increase, as he appreciated the Supervisors’ efforts the last couple of years trying to adhere to a new state mandate of making all county sheriffs have the equivalent salary to an officer position with the Iowa State Patrol. County Recorder Deb McDonald acknowledged that she would like to stay within the median of the other county recorders across the state, which she noted she had been when the County Compensation Board had met. Supervisor Chair John Muir stated that he did not feel he should receive a raise in salary as he believed the job of the Supervisors are being met for the pay they each receive.