A member with the Secondary Roads Department gives a timeline about construction projects that are happening this year.
Dallas County Engineer Al Miller shares that there are several areas that are planning to be worked on, including County Road F90 that will receive letting near exit 106 on Interstate 80. He reveals that the construction will likely begin in the spring and will cause some disruption for a while.
“There’s a lot of traffic, a lot of truck traffic down there and a lot of folks that use that, so just be aware that (this) summer is going to be a difficult travel season while we improve the roads, but it’s a project that’s really needed to improve to pavement down there, and will be a nice road for years to come, but it will be a difficult one while we do the construction.”
Miller details that a second paving project that will take place later in the summer relates to County Road P48 that touches the west corner of Dexter and this one will affect Dallas, Guthrie, Adair, and Madison counties. He concludes that a bridge will be replaced on Ivy Place on the south side of Perry as the summer season progresses.