
With snow and cold here, it’s important to try and stay healthy.

Guthrie County Health Services Director Jotham Arber says that with colder weather and the temperatures that come with it, there is an increase in certain types of illnesses, including respiratory illnesses. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio a few ways individuals can try to combat sickness, and stay healthy during this time.

“It’s still important to exercise and to eat right and to get good sleep. Those are all really important because no matter what virus or sickness you’re dealing with, that’s gonna be the best thing that you can do to make sure that your body is ready to handle those things.”

Arber mentions that it is also important to continue to wash your hands, as it is the easiest way to personally try and fight sickness. He adds that individuals can also cover their mouths and noses when coughing and sneezing to stop from spreading any sickness they may have, or may be carrying.