The Panorama School Board will meet in regular session Monday night.
The Board will consider for approval the School Budget Review Committee modified allowable growth, door and camera quotes from SCI Communications, radio system upgrades from Unplugged Wireless and updating outdated district servers. They will also consider for approval a 28E agreement with Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center for family consumer sciences, a concurrent enrollment contract for college level courses with Wester Iowa Technical Community College and a change order for improvements to the high school’s north parking lot and driveway, along with a resolution to accept said work.
The Board will also consider for approval a SVP facilities assessment, the second readings of two new Board policies, a list of potential graduates and the purchase of a new graphic design computer cart. They will then enter into a closed session for superintendent evaluation. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm in the District Board Room at the high school.