Today is the final day of a major event with Jefferson Matters.
Event Team member Kristin Lang says the Winter Festival goes on today from 10am-4pm at Clover Hall on the Greene County Fairgrounds. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that last year this event was at the Jefferson Elks Lodge but this year it is moved to Clover Hall and it is primarily because of one entity.
“We received a (Greene County) Community Foundation grant this year, and that was part of how we were able to expand into Clover Hall. So if you think about the spaces we’ve been in before, we had decorations that have built up to match those spaces. But this is a blank canvass for us to get to go all out and decorate in new ways. And so we wouldn’t be able to grow in this way without the support of the Greene County Community Foundation.”
Lang illustrates that today’s activities include kids crafts provided by the Jefferson Library, voting for your two favorite decorated trees out of the 47 that are on display, along with a sock skating rink for all ages, and there will be hayrides happening from 1-4pm. She encourages everyone to make a free-will donation, with the proceeds going to Greene County Adopt-A-Family and their need for the Holiday Food Baskets.