The Adel City Council met in regular session on Tuesday.
The council heard from the Adel Partners Chamber of Commerce request for membership contributions in 2025 to give more money to fund the director position with Deb Bengston retiring, but the council decided to postpone the item until more information is available. Other items on the agenda that were approved included a Class F retail alcohol license with Living Quarters and Outdoor Service Privileges for Mi Casa Jalisco, authorizing an interfund loan to the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Fund , and the TIF Indebtedness Certification for the Adel Southbridge Urban Renewal Area for fiscal year 2026.
Additional items that were approved pertained to the disposal of vacated right-of-way along Bradfield Street within Southbridge Plat 7, a preliminary plat for Southbridge Plat 10, ordering construction for the Bailey’s Grove Channel improvements, and a development agreement between the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Community School District and the City of Adel for the site of the new high school. The council also tabled the approval of the engineering services agreement with McClure Engineering for the Adel Rapids Street reconstruction project until more details can be shared with the allocated fees.