The Greene County Board of Supervisors met on Monday in regular session.
During open forum, Scranton resident Mike Holden addressed some safety concerns at two intersections, including County Road P-14 and County Road E-53, along with County Road E-53 and F Avenue. Holden said the P-14 and E-53 is a blind intersection, due to the hedges on one portion and this past weekend his daughter was involved in a crash because of the obstructed view. He also reported that he nearly got hit at the E-53 and F Avenue intersection because that is also a blind intersection. County Engineer Wade Weiss said they have put cross traffic does not stop signage at those types of intersections, but will proceed with looking at other solutions.
County Zoning Official Chuck Wenthold mentioned some complaints with the new electronic bird noise maker and that adjustments were being made to have those be quieter on the roof of the Greene County Courthouse. He explained that the device was installed last week to deter other birds from pecking holes into the roof membrane. Gary Goodwin helped to install the device and told the Board he marked 29 holes on the roof and is monitoring activity for one week and will re-check to see if there are new holes that were made.
County Attorney Thomas Laehn started a discussion about whether or not the Board could impose an ordinance for underground liquid carbon dioxide pipelines that he said would further regulate Summit Carbon Solutions with their proposed second phase across the county. He advised that the county has a process for companies like Summit to obtain a conditional use permit to conduct an industrial use on agricultural land. Cooper area resident Chris Henning reminded the Board that Summit is hosting an open house about safety aspects of their project at the Greene County ISU Extension Office this Thursday from 7-9am.
Weiss also gave an update. He said the beams for the South Grimmell Road bridge are expected to be installed this week and that some shouldering has been done on the Dawson road project in conjunction with Dallas County. He mentioned that two companies responded to the Reason for Proposal to be the commissioning agent for the HVAC project for the courthouse. He recommended Optimize Systems with their quote of over $44,000, which will be considered by the Board at next week’s meeting.
The Board also had a discussion about drainage issues at the Greene County Fairgrounds. The Greene County Fair Board is looking to renovate the grandstands and would like the flooding water to be navigated to the southeast into a small retention pond, and requested from the Board to help pay for a site plan. The new county jail that is also located in that area is also considering a retention pond as well. The Board determined that they want estimates of how much a topography survey and site plan would be before they commit financially toward making some improvements. Additionally, the Board approved a special wine license for Deal’s Orchard.