With the possibility of home fires increasing as colder weather comes in, people can try and be prepared in the event that something happens.
Stuart Firefighter Corey Pline says that one of the best ways to be prepared for a fire in your home is to have a fire extinguisher. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio what their department recommends for use.
“You want to make sure you have the ABC dry chemical type, because that’s going to cover any kind of fire you’re going to have in your house instead of having a bunch of different extinguishers. You’ll just have the one, and those are rated for anything that’s going to happen in your house.”
Pline mentions that the ABC for the fire extinguisher refers to what it is rated to put out. Class A for ordinary combustible fires, Class B for flammable liquid fires, and Class C for electrically energized fires. Pline adds that if you don’t have a fire extinguisher in your home, one can be purchased at most major hardware stores.