
The 2-6 Dallas Center-Grimes Mustangs football team find themselves in a curious situation as they prepare for their final game of the regular season, hosting the 7-1 #5 Lewis Central Titans. Not only is this the final game of the regular season, but could be the deciding factor for the Mustangs play off dreams. In Class 4A Region 6, Glenwood and Dallas Center-Grimes are currently tied at 2-2. Norwalk leads the pack at 4-0 and even if they lose to Glenwood on Friday night, they will advance in the post season. If Glenwood wins, they will be at 3-2, which would tie with whoever wins between Lewis Central and Dallas Center-Grimes, leading to a tie for second place. This would lead to head to head matches, in which Dallas Center-Grimes could advance in the post season.

It’s do or die for the Mustang football team as they face off against the #5 Lewis Central Titans on Friday night. The only shot that the Mustangs have at advancing, would result from defeating the dominant Titan team.