
With applications for disabled and individuals over 60 for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) underway, more details are being examined by the Dallas County Health Department.

According to Community Health Educator Natalie Peters, LIHEAP was created to help qualifying low income Iowa homeowners or renters pay for a portion of their heating cost during the winter months. She uncovers that the program will assist in avoiding having safety risks in their homes. Peters explains that eligibility is determined by household size and income.

“Applicants must be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines in order to be awarded, and then applicants are accepted on a first come first served basis between November 1st and April 30th every year.”

The application period for disabled and individuals 60 and over started October 1st and all other qualified households can start applying on November 1st.

Peters notes that people can research the federal poverty guidelines specific to their household on the Iowa Health and Human Services website, which can be found below. She adds that in order for residents to qualify for LIHEAP, they must do so in the county they live in. For Dallas County, residents can apply for LIHEAP through New Opportunities2816 1st Avenue, in Perry.

Peters says when people make an appointment, they’ll need to bring their most recent heating and electric bills, Social Security cards for each member of the household, and proof of income for all household members ages 19 years and older. More information can be found here.