
Image courtesy of IUC

A company that is looking to expand a carbon dioxide capture underground pipeline has recently taken its next step in the process to finalize its second phase.

According to the Iowa Utilities Commission, on Friday Summit Carbon Solutions filed for a permit for the Greene County and Guthrie County expansion. In its petition for a hazardous liquid pipeline permit application on October 11th, Summit states that it intends to build an additional 57.5 miles of underground pipeline to capture liquid carbon dioxide from ethanol plants and have the material travel via an underground pipeline to an underground storage facility in North Dakota.

Prior to the permit application being filed by Summit, the Greene County Board of Supervisors filed a letter of objection on September 9th with the IUC with the chief complaint being that of the use of eminent domain, the Board felt that by using eminent domain to forcibly take land from Greene County property owners should not be allowed. On September 13th, the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors also filed a letter of objection toward the second phase of the pipeline project. Additionally, there are other letters of objection, as well as letters of support for the Greene and Guthrie County docket filings. Click the links below to see certain documents from the IUC.

Summit has requested the IUC to set a hearing date for the Greene and Guthrie County portions. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.


Greene Co Supervisors Letter of Objection

Guthrie Co Supervisors Letter of Objection