
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and there is an important procedure that can be used to help detect the disease.

Guthrie County Hospital Medical Imaging Manager Sarah Madsen says that mammograms are important for women in particular to get, as breast cancer affects women more than men. She continues that mammograms are able to detect cases of breast cancer that might not be noticeable with a self check up. Madsen tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the American College of Radiology recommends that women over the age of 40 should be scheduling annual mammograms, and why that is their recommendation.

“The earlier detection of breast cancer. The sooner you detect breast cancer, the better your chances of survival. So if you start an annual mammogram (sooner), then the radiologist can see your breast tissue and see changes earlier.”

Madsen mentions that there are cases where women are advised to start scheduling mammograms earlier, usually in instances where there are strong ties to family history of breast cancer. She adds that consulting with your physician is always recommended when looking at scheduling.