
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn High School recently named the Homecoming Court, as the students express their excitement.

High School Social Studies Instructor Charity Miller outlines that the theme for Homecoming is “Let the Good Times Roar.” There were 10 students that were named to the Homecoming Court, as Senior Owen Evans is stoked knowing his friends would back him.

“Oh, it was amazing. I mean, I kind of consider myself a student section leader at the football games, so I knew I had my support from those people, so it was just a good feeling, great feeling.” 

Senior Josi Dufoe reveals that being named Queen would be a humbling experience.

“That would just be super exciting and I’d be super happy about that and I know all of the other girls on the court are just super amazing and special, so that would just definitely be an honor to be able to represent ADM.”

ADM will also host their annual TigerFest event by the football stadium from 5:30-7pm featuring a District Pep Rally, the PowderPuff Football Game, and the announcement of the Homecoming King and Queen. 

Raccoon Valley Radio will be in attendance on the northeast corner of the parking lot next to Tiger Stadium. The king candidates are Brady Gustafson, Balin Hysell, Grant Jansen, Isaac Hatchitt, and Owen Evans. The queen candidates are Soila Winter, Madi James, Calli Seehase, Jada Grove, and Josi Dufoe.