
As the November election continues to draw closer, some residents may need a reminder of where they are supposed to vote.

Guthrie County Auditor Dani Fink says that there are six voting precincts in Guthrie County, each based within a town. The precincts have their polling places located in Bayard, Yale, Guthrie Center, Casey, Stuart and Panora. Fink tells Raccoon Valley Radio how residents can find out where they need to go.

“So if you live in town, in any of the towns that the precincts (are) in, those are going to be your voting precincts. But there is a link on our website that will pull up a document to show the voting precincts and what townships go where. There will also be a link to go to the Secretary of State’s site as well to find your voting precinct, just so then, there’s no question. Because we do have a few townships that are split up, like Seeley and Beaver Township. Both are split.”

Fink mentions that because the two townships are split, some residents in Beaver Township will go to Stuart, while others will go to Casey. For Seeley Township, some of the residents travel to Bayard to vote, while others would need to go to Yale. A list of the polling sites for each precinct can be found below.

Bayard – Bayard Community Building
Casey – Casey Community Center
Guthrie Center – First Christian Church
Panora – Veterans Auditorium
Stuart – First Congregational Church
Yale – Yale Community Building