A non-profit organization in Jefferson is seeking comments and public feedback through a questionnaire.
Jefferson Matters Executive Director Matt Wetrich says the eight question online form are all open-ended and explain your answer type questions asking for what people want to see as far as retailers or other businesses in Jefferson that are currently not provided, descriptions of points of views on the downtown area, among other topics. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio this will help their organization in lots of ways, including recruiting different businesses and how to market certain things, among other items.
“We want feedback, We want to hear from you. We want to know what you want to see the future of Jefferson (to) look like and what could be better? That’s how we learn, hearing from folks and seeing what trends are out there, and what our local residents are all about. We want to bring tourists here, but we also want to bring people who want to live here, and we want people to live here to enjoy (it) here and want to stay, So give us that feedback.”
Click here to access the questionnaire.