Annually, the Greene County School Board chooses a set of legislative priorities that are recommended to the Iowa Association of School Boards to advocate for at next year’s legislative session.
At the September Board meeting, four items were unanimously approved by the Board. Superintendent Brett Abbotts says the priorities included literacy being the building block for student achievement and success, maintaining a high-quality workforce, mental health needs of students and staff are being met, and expanding opportunities for students within public schools. He explains the reason behind why the Board made the choices they did.
“We felt that those really aligned really well with what our strategic priorities were and what the work that’s going on in our schools. So we’ll report that back to the IASB that those are kind of the four that Greene County really wants to lobby for and I would expect that we would see a lot of similar trends with other school districts.”
Abbotts adds that the IASB compiles all of the data and will make a final list to advocate on behalf of school districts during the 2025 Iowa Legislative Session.