The Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department is gearing up for another season of adult volleyball.
JPRD Director Nathan Kral says the Adult 6-on-6 Co-Ed Volleyball League starts October 13th and will be on Sundays with matches beginning at 3pm at the Greene County Community Center. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that teams are limited to ten players with a balance and men and women on each team. Kral talks about how popular this volleyball league has been in the past.
“Since I’ve been here we’ve been pretty consistent, we’re right around that six teams. We’ve been up to seven or eight teams before, but for the most part we’re right around that six team mark.”
Players must be at least 16 to participate and anyone under the age of 18 must have a signed parental waiver. The cost per team to compete is $75 and the deadline to register is October 7th. Click here to sign up or contact the community center at 515-386-3412.