It’s Homecoming week for the Panorama School District.

The district is celebrating with board game themed days. Activities Director Bruce Dahlhauser says that celebrations begin today at 5pm, with the “Iron Games.” Male students will be playing Powder Puff volleyball at that time in the high school gymnasium, while the girls play flag football in the stadium at 6pm. He adds that following the flag football game, they will announce the Homecoming Court. There will also be a new event, the Parade of Students, on Friday beginning at 2pm, where they will trek from the high school to the town square, and hold a community pep rally roughly 15 minutes after getting to the square.

As for the daily dress up days this week, Monday is Jumanji, or camouflage, and Tuesday is Life, or decade day, and a list of the decades that each class is to represent can be found in this story online. Wednesday is Candy Land, and students are allowed to come to school in their pajamas. Thursday is themed after Twister, and the classes will each have a specific color to wear, a list of which can be found in this story on our website at Friday is themed for Battleship, and is Panther Spirit Day. For sports, Panorama is heading to Earlham Tuesday, and to Pleasantville for a triangular on Saturday, while the cross country teams head to Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center for a meet, and the football team is taking on the Southwest Valley Timberwolves.

Decades for Tuesday (Life Themed)
6th Grade – 90’s
7th Grade – 60’s
8th Grade – 80’s
Freshmen – 2000’s
Sophomores – 90’s
Juniors – 80’s
Seniors – 70’s

Class Colors for Thursday (Twister Themed)
6th Grade – Neon
7th Grade – Red
8th Grade – Purple
Freshmen – Yellow
Sophomores – Green
Juniors – Blue
Seniors – Pink
Staff and Faculty – Black